I, the participant, do hereby submit my application for participation in the instruction of martial arts and/or strength and conditioning taught at Pretty Top Team. I hereby assume full responsibility and liability for all damages, injuries, and losses that I may incur while participating in or watching any and all training sessions.
Specifically, the participant agrees to hold harmless the School and all other individuals, organisations, sponsors, promoters, operators, hosts, instructors, associations, schools, owners, officials, directors, employees, and other participants connected with the classes from all losses, damages, injuries, causes of actions, claims, or complaints in the event that the participant is damaged or injured in any way during the participation, instruction, or performance of any exercise or during any activity associated with the class, location, or during transit to or from the class.
Participant further agrees to strictly obey instructors and observe safety rules.
Because of the physical demands of this program, the participant understands that they must be in good physical condition to participate in the class. The participant understands that in case of injury, the only medical treatment that will be provided is first aid.
Non-Australian Residents: If the participant is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, they confirm that they hold valid travel health insurance that covers martial arts and combat sports activities, including training, sparring, and competition.
Participant agrees that any pictures, audio, or visual recordings taken of them in connection with the class can be used for publication, promotion, articles, shows, and advertisements without additional consent and without compensation at this time or any other time.
I have read and understand this release and agreement and agree to its provisions. I am not under the influence of any drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicants. I am not suffering from any illness or incapacity. I am over 18 years of age. (If not over 18 years of age, parent or guardian must sign.)